The experience of counseling is different for everyone because individuals come to counseling with varied ability, different experiences and perspectives, and a different perception of counseling. Counseling is a self-reflective process that will require participation of the client for it to be effective. It will likely result in positive experiences but some negative feelings may emerge through the process of growth. Counseling always starts with a free 15 minute phone conversation. To make an appointment, contact us.
The initial sessions include a disclosure of Informed Consent, rapport development, and brief assessment relative to the presenting issues that resulted in you seeking counseling. From this point we develop the goals of our sessions and will determine the best steps to achieve these goals. Our primary orientation to counseling is cognitive behavioral in nature so we will collectively address the thoughts that affect your feelings as well as the behavior patterns that result. Counseling will require active participation during sessions and follow-through on goals outside of sessions. Counseling does take work but if you are willing to work for yourself with us we feel confident that you will be pleased with the results.
Evaluation & Assessment
Psychological assessment performed in schools is typically done by certified school employees, not licensed professionals. School based assessments are primarily completed only for the purpose of determining an individual's eligibility for special education or related services. Private evaluations provide a more thorough evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, and learning style that will include DSM-5 diagnoses and recommendations for intervention, accommodations, and services that are free from influence of the local school district.
Unlike assessment conducted through school based teams, psychological assessment conducted privately provides clinical diagnoses which can make a student eligible for an accommodation plan or Section 504, and helps to inform school based teams regarding eligibility for services available through the school. Assessment in this area can also be used as part of an application process to private schools, eligibility for accommodations at the post-secondary or university level, or eligibility for services available through the State, like the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services or the Department of Developmental Services.
As part of getting to know you and developing goals for counseling we utilize a rating scale that assesses social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. This assessment is included in hourly rates and is not an additional cost. We also provide full psychoeducational assessment upon request and can diagnose mental health disorders if clients meet DSM-IV criteria. Psychoeducational assessment can include a record review, clinical interview, social-emotional assessment and testing in the areas of cognition (IQ), academic achievement, personality, learning, or memory.
Cost of assessment is separate from hourly rates and in some cases may be covered by your insurance. Testing and diagnosis can better inform the development of appropriate goals for counseling and assist children, adolescents, or adults when seeking eligibility for services or accommodations with schools and universities.