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Tim Morris CADC


Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor
Specializations: Individual and Family Counseling, Adolescents
(203) 943-1621

Tim Morris is a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor specializing in adolescents, individual, and family counseling. Tim has been a certified counselor for over 15 years working with struggling adolescents, adults, and families. He previously worked at Regional Network of Programs and Insight Counseling as a mental health and addiction counselor. Tim has also worked as a school based clinician and has initiated the RAAFT (Raising Abuse Awareness for Teens) and SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving) clubs at Fairfield Ludlowe High School. He also facilitates a Hope and Support group in Newtown, Milford, and Waterbury for parents and siblings who are struggling with loved ones who are battling mental health and addiction issues.

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